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Outreach & Professional Activities

EPA Long Island Sound Coastal Acidification Monitoring Workgroup (2021-present)

Participating in LIS sentinal ocean acidification monitoring network facilitated by the EPA Long Island Sound Study. Presented baseline acidification data to the LIS Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC).

President - UConn Marine Sciences Graduate Student Organization (2021-2022)

Acted as a student liaison between graduate students and faculty. Organized department social and research discussion events to foster community during a challenging time.

Vice President - UConn Marine Sciences Graduate Student Organization (2020-2021)

Organized the weekly "Brown Bag" seminar series where graduate students informally present recent work to the department to gain feedback on communication skills

Unlearning Racism in Geosciences (2020-present)

Participated in the UConn Marine Sciences pod of the URGE program facilitated by the NSF, WHOI, and Scripps. Read and discussed anti-racism literature and contributed to decisions specific to improving our department and university's DEI initiatives.

UConn Graduate Student Senate (2021-2022)

Participated in monthly discussions and decision-making about university policy relavent to all UConn graduate students.

NECAN Shell Day (2019)

Analyzed alkalinity samples collected by citizen scientists in CT and NY during an alkalinity sampling "blitz" across the New England coast. In association with the Northeast Coastal Acidification Network (NECAN). Presented results to CT shellfisheries.

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